Sometimes when I think about what could have been I feel so grateful for a Heavenly Father who watches over me. It makes me count my blessings.
Most of you know I spend most afternoons at the park with Shayla and at least one of her friends. Today I got a text from my friend Carrie wanting to know if we wanted to meet up at the park down the street from our house. It was perfect timing and she was almost there so I loaded Shay up in the car and we headed to the park. We had spent quite a bit of time there. Shayla was playing on the toddler toy, one she plays on 5 days a week. This next part happened in slow motion for me.
I saw Shayla walking dangerously close to the edge of a small stair. I was sitting on a stair not too far away from her watching her play. Close, but not close enough. I kept thinking, "She'll look where she is going." As she neared the edge I called out her name just as she fell off. Her head hit the plastic bridge and as she was picking herself up and I was running to her, I saw her tooth lying on the toy.
I screamed. Scooped up Shayla and the tooth and called out to my friend that Shayla had just knocked out her front tooth. I was in shock. They don't cover this in Mommy 101.
Carrie ran over and put Shayla's tooth back in. Checked her for any signs of other injuries and then tried to figure out what we needed to do to take care of this little girl who has become like a daughter to her.
I called Jon so that he could look up a dentist or someone who could look at her mouth. After I hung up with him I realized our Bishop is a Dentist, so I called back and told him to call Bishop Keller.
Bishop Keller wanted to talk to me about the injury and assess what needed to be done. After he talked to me he said Carrie had done exactly what she should have done and told me some things I needed to do to care for the tooth for the next little bit.
Shayla was fine once she got home and had some pain medicine in her system. It left me so grateful for what didn't happen.
We could have walked to the park like we did 100 times before.
I was there with a pediatrician who knew exactly what to do. (Kind of convenient that one of my bestfriends out here is a pediatrician, wouldn't you say)
Shayla could have been injured so much more seriously.
We had Bishop Keller to call for advice on a Friday afternoon at 5pm. I am so grateful for that little bit of inspiration I was able to have in my moment of panic. Our Father in Heaven was watching over us. I was so frazzled and in shock. I was just standing there trying to figure out what to do. But I had that one moment of clarity.
The worst that could happen at this point is that the tooth doesn't take and she is my toothless wonder for a while.
We could have had a trip to the ER. Instead I was able to take care of her at home.
I'm so grateful for Jon. He dropped everything to come and rescue his hysterical wife and daughter.
One thing that really struck me was when Carrie suggested I have Jon give her a blessing. This may not strike any of you as odd but Carrie is Catholic. We had offered a blessing to her daughter one night when Carrie was really worried about an illness. I guess this stuck with her. I would have eventually calmed down and asked Jon to give Shayla a blessing, but it was one of those moments when you realize that anyone can receive inspiration.
I don't know what we will do when Carrie and Jason move away. Their presence will be greatly missed. Shayla thinks of her as another Mom. She and Lola are convinced they are sisters. Just separated in the womb I always say. Their move keeps coming closer and closer. It will be a sad day in the Laudie home when they leave.
Right now I'm just grateful Carrie was there. I don't know what I would have done without her. I can't even comprehend it. Tonight I'm just grateful.
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